Sunday, January 2, 2011

Lets go 2011 !

Perhaps my favorite part of celebrating a new year is the general optimism that surrounds most people, especially in the poker community.

Everyone really does feel better about that fresh slate, new graph, new everything. We all like to post really nice winrates, and we all feel like we have made strides in the past year.

As for myself, I am truly excited for 2011. While I feel mild success in 2010, I am shooting much higher in 2011, I definitely feel the work I have put in has me in position to really meet the lofty goals I have.

I have certainly been running good in the last half month since returning from AC and getting a new PC set up, but I do feel as though I am a large favorite in the 200 Rush arena. A lot of that has to do with the AC trip, not only did I get a chance to improve with the help of some poker talk, but also got a chance to see more fish hands than I have in a long time.

For now I am just going to go over my January goals.

- 75k hands.
- Winrate of > 3.0EVpt.
- Total money > 10k.

Good luck everyone,
