Sunday, November 21, 2010

goodbye to luka :(.

While my time with Luka was short, I believe in the grand scheme of things it will have a profound effect on the direction of my life. Not only did some decisions become clear, but I was also able to discover "FluxStables," which thus far has been a great experience and I see no reason why it will not become even better.

I have cut my tables to three while trying to get a feel for 200, I do believe this is helping me as even when I zone a bit I am more focused than when I am zoning with four tables. This weekend I really had no success with my 4bets :(, but ran well overall and am starting to feel comfortable in the game.

It is sad to leave Luka, he has become a real good friend of mine and I know he is going to have great success as he continues to develop as a poker player.

While I am on the train / bus I hope to delve into some poker thinking and hopefully come up with some more +ev spots that are there for the taking.

Weekend results !

If you can catch me online in the next few days shoot me a message, I will probably be bored to death on the train :).

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